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The Regex Coach - interactive regular.
Regular Expression HOWTO — Python v2.7.3.
If you can, try to tokenize data in this situation (break it into smaller parts based on regex rules) beforehand and replace based on these as this is more likely to
Online regex tester that supports PCRE, POSIX and Javascript flavors. Features multiple modes, replacement, highlighting on the fly.
7.2. re — Regular expression operations¶ This module provides regular expression matching operations similar to those found in Perl. Both patterns and strings to Getting started with regular expressions.
As mentioned, best not to parse your own html. But for the sake of completeness, should point out that by default regular expressions are greedy, so in this example
regex replace python
文字列の置換 (単純・正規表現) replace regexp ...
Getting started with regular expressions in C++ using the TR1 extension to the Standard Library. Examples comparing the C++ regular expression support to Perl.

Python Split
regex replace python
Regex replace (in Python) - a more simple. 7.2. re — Regular expression operations —.
Introduction¶ The re module was added in Python 1.5, and provides Perl-style regular expression patterns. Earlier versions of Python came with the regex module
Regular expression tool.
OS X Help Requests > UNIX - Newcomers OK, I'm going nuts here. I've been trying to use sed and grep to match/replace tab perhaps this will help http://www
Cours de JavaScript -, le.
Regex replace (in Python) - a more simple.
Python: Replace with regex - Stack.
Comment définit-on des expressions régulières ? Un objet "expression régulière" peut être introduit et éventuellement défini grâce au