Download Puritanism in the Old world and in the New, from its inception in the reign of Elizabeth to the establishment of the Puritan theocracy in New England : a historical handbook book
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ІSBN: 1990001086054
Authоr: J Gregory
Date of placement: 2.08.2012

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Puritanism in the Old world and in the New, from its inception in the reign of Elizabeth to the establishment of the Puritan theocracy in New England : a historical handbook
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Shattered Synthesis, The: New England Puritanism The Council and Its Implications for the Modern World, by Gary of Sion’s Glory, A: Puritan Radicalism in New England
Puritanism in the Old world and in the New, from its inception in the reign of Elizabeth to the establishment of the Puritan theocracy in New England : a historical handbook
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