Download Early editions; a bibliographical survey of the works of some popular modern authors book
Date of placement: 25.09.2012
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Size: 11.65 MB
Author: J. Herbert (John Herbert) Slater
ІSBN: 1990001154470

Early editions; a bibliographical survey of the works of some popular modern authors
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Periodicals. Agricultural Finance Monitor. current issue | e-mail alert | past issues. A quarterly survey of agricultural credit conditions in the Eighth Federal Early Medieval China Group : Bibliography. Translating the Untranslatable: A Survey of English Translations of the Quran by A.R. Kidwai. Despite the historical fact that the early Muslim community's stand on
This is a bibliography-in-progress of works in Western languages on the period of Chinese history between the end of the Han dynasty and the Sui reunification (220-589).
Modern Language Association (MLA):.
Early Medieval China Group : Bibliography.
Early editions; a bibliographical survey of the works of some popular modern authors
A Survey of English Translations of the.
This bibliography attempts to keep current with scholarly publications in English by and about early modern women (ca. 1400–1700) throughout Europe and
Modern Language Association (MLA):.
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